Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Catholics and Evolution --
In Slate, Keelin McDonell writes in response to a New York Times op-ed by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.

I believe that proponents of teaching evolution in school go about their opposition in the wrong way. Attacking as ludicrous intelligent design or any similar stance is overly divisive. Rather, I think it is best to affirm evolution and be open to the possibility of intelligent design, but to state that such a belief is not currently within the realm of science, but within the realm of theology or philosophy. (By the way, I advocate having a year of high school English be a disguised philosophy class as students learn to read and write critically by studying philosophical essays rather than literature and I certainly think that creationism vs. evolution is an acceptable part of that curriculum and ought to be covered.) Really, what is needed is for scientists to come out and say that they believe that God played a role in the development of man, but that that role is not a suitable topic for a biology class.
(7:00 PM)


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