Monday, October 03, 2005
Who watches FoxNews? --This cable advertising company lists the typical viewers as it tries to sell ads.
For example:
CMT -- The typical CMT viewer is 41 years old, works full-time, earns an annual income of $43,034, is married, owns a home and has 1.9 children (one under age six) and lives in non-MSA
Now, take a look at the cable news networks:
CNN - Adults with above-average income and education levels, who are often light viewers of network television, and are apt to hold professional/managerial positions.
Headline News - Educated adult professionals who can prove elusive to reach via traditional television advertising vehicles.
CNBC - Adult professionals, 25-54, with above-average income and education levels.
MSNBC - An audience composed of affluent, well-educated viewers who are more likely than the U.S. average to be between 18 - 34 years of age.
FoxNews - Viewers who want to be in the know when it comes to today's main events.
That was about as Pollyanna-ish as they could make the FoxNews viewing audience, compared to other cable news networks.
(5:14 AM)
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